Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ruining my life

I keep asking myself,
Did I make the right choice?!

What makes me stop studying?
Because of work?
Due to laziness??
Subject too boring?
I not capable to get a degree?
Or all of the above??

Ken ask me a question,
"are you trying to ruin your life?"
End up this question is swirling in my mind now...

Wat happen to me for the last 2 years?
A deep impact changes me so much...

Ken says "you used to be very smart and has plan... Wat happen to you?"
Kelvin say "you last time do thing in your style no matter wat happen, how come u are different now?"

Wat can I say? Tats life...
How cruel this reality world is...
How naive I was...
To adapt to this world I have to be stupid... Cos being too smart won't let you survive...

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